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Training “Shots” in a YouTube-Style Platform


Learning in the Flow of Work” and “Lifelong Learning

These two training approaches are at the core of Learninghubz, which Randstad Portugal introduced to encourage continuous development. Resembling a “YouTube for training,” this platform allows employees to deepen their knowledge in key interest areas with autonomy and flexibility.

Training has been defined as a strategic pillar at Randstad, serving as a driver for motivation and engagement. Already equipped with a formal online training platform—covering mandatory courses organized into modules, chapters, and interactive assessments—Randstad Portugal saw the need to offer its corporate staff more flexible, autonomous access to training across a range of topics, especially in soft skills. Through Learninghubz, which provides over 10,000 microlearning resources, Randstad found a partner to nurture a culture of lifelong learning.

Flexibility and Platform Customization

In 2020, amid the pandemic and with in-person training on hold, Randstad Portugal sought alternative training channels. After a trial period with Learninghubz beginning in June, the organization decided to formally partner with the platform in February 2021.

Modeled after YouTube, Learninghubz reflects today’s preferred learning formats, with video content as a standout favorite. The platform’s layout and content can be customized to spotlight themes and skills prioritized by each organization. At Randstad, beyond Learninghubz’s curated content library drawn from top online sources, custom thematic pages were developed. Examples include the “Inclusive Academy,” which features webinars hosted by Randstad on inclusive recruitment and leadership, and the “Randstad Channel,” which promotes brand-specific content shared across social media. Additionally, playlists based on videos recommended by Randstad’s management and top learners—employees who are most active on the platform—demonstrate the level of customization Learninghubz offers.

Learninghubz also provides attendance reports with individual training records, allowing Randstad to track annual training compliance requirements. Additionally, an online dashboard accessible to the client presents platform usage metrics to support training management decisions. “We can see how many people accessed the platform, how much time they spent there, and which content is most viewed,” says Marta Serrano.

“The fact that Randstad offers this type of platform shows employees that we are investing in their learning and development, which motivates them.”

Microlearning: An Autonomous and Flexible Path

The microlearning format allows employees to learn what they need “in the flow of work,” enabling them to apply new skills directly to daily tasks at their own pace. “One thing is the structured training plan we have, but offering content that employees can engage with independently, according to the areas they identify for development, is entirely different,” points out Marta Serrano.

“We wanted to promote proactivity and autonomy in our learning process, putting training on people’s agendas,” she adds.

And why is this lifelong learning approach important? Pedro Costa Santos, Director of Marketing & Sales at Learninghubz, explains: “Organizations that build a strong learning culture will find it much easier to attract and retain talent, something increasingly relevant to new generations.”

Randstad’s platform homepage showcases featured content and thematic pages, along with a dashboard.

Contenidos Más Vistos

Como se mencionó anteriormente, Randstad buscaba desarrollar soft skills en sus empleados, una área con menos opciones de formación en la empresa y con mayor diversidad de intereses. Según los últimos informes, temas como productividad, mejores prácticas para el trabajo remoto, gestión de equipos a distancia, bienestar, y gestión emocional y del estrés son de los más vistos por los empleados de Randstad.

“Sabemos—y los empleados nos lo han confirmado—que el hecho de que Randstad ofrezca esta plataforma demuestra nuestro compromiso con su aprendizaje y desarrollo. Esto los motiva y tiene un claro impacto en la productividad,” asegura la HR Business Partner. “Si nuestra gente no puede aprender a hacer más y mejor, la productividad siempre se verá afectada.”